Kira is a 14.5 year old German Shepherd who has been a certified therapy dog most of her life. Lately, she has not been eating. She is getting skinnier and rejecting all the tasty dog foods we have tried, including canned foods, moist foods, toppers, and even bits of human food. Tonight I found a small sample bag of the Carna4 Goat formula and as soon as Kira smelled the open bag, she perked right up! She came and looked alert and sat waiting. We sprinkled it over her regular food and she gobbled it right down! I am so excited that your food seems to have given Kira a new enthusiasm for eating, and I am sure will help her live longer. She is a good girl, always serving the public. Thank you for a great food for her! I hope I can find it locally and maybe samples other flavors for her to try. Here is a picture of Kira in her dress at a Paws to Read event, where children read to a therapy dog. Bless you!
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